Metal Plate & Title Adhesives

ErgonArmor offers two- and three-component epoxy adhesives for thin-set bonding of wear-resistant ceramic tiles and metal plates to concrete and steel structures.


Product Brand Type
Novocoat EP3300 Paste/Caulk Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Caulk / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Paste / Paste/Caulk / Pipe and Leak Repair / Process Vessels and Towers / Pulp and Paper / Secondary Containment / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat EP3900 Machinable Paste Novocoat Chemical Process and Refinery / Concrete Protection / Machinable Grade / Metal Adhesives / Metal Repair Products / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Tanks /
Novocoat EP5700 Ceramic Paste Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Ceramic Paste / Concrete Adhesives / High Temp / Metal Adhesives / Novocoat / Paste / Pipe and Leak Repair / Pumps / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat EP3800 Ceramic Carbide FC Novocoat Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Fast Cure / Metal Repair Products / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Pumps / Repair / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat EP3800 Ceramic Carbide SC Novocoat Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Metal Repair Products / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Pumps / Repair / Slow Cure / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat EP4900 Ceramic Carbide Novocoat Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Metal Repair Products / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Pumps / Repair / Slow Cure / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat R1900 Quick Repair Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Active Leak / Adhesives / Chemical Process and Refinery / Concrete Adhesives / Metal Adhesives / Metal Repair Products / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Pipe and Leak Repair / Quick Repair Compound / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat SC3900 Adhesive Paste/Caulk Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Caulk / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Paste / Paste/Caulk / Pipe and Leak Repair / Process Vessels and Towers / Pulp and Paper / Secondary Containment / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat SP2900 Paste Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Caulk / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Paste / Paste/Caulk / Pipe and Leak Repair / Process Vessels and Towers / Pulp and Paper / Secondary Containment / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
THINSET™ Adhesive Corrosion Engineering Acid Brick / Adhesives / CED / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Tiling Systems / Concrete Adhesives / Conductive Flooring / Corrosion Engineering / Dairy Brick / Flooring / Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical / Quarry Tile / THINSET / TUFCHEM /
THINSET™ Novolac Adhesive - Silica Corrosion Engineering Acid Brick / Adhesives / CED / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Tiling Systems / Concrete Adhesives / Conductive Flooring / Corrosion Engineering / Dairy Brick / Flooring / Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical / Quarry Tile / Silica / Silica-filled / THINSET / TUFCHEM /
THINSET™ Novolac Adhesive - Carbon Corrosion Engineering Acid Brick / Adhesives / Carbon / Carbon-filled / CED / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Tiling Systems / Concrete Adhesives / Conductive Flooring / Corrosion Engineering / Dairy Brick / Flooring / Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical / Quarry Tile / THINSET / TUFCHEM /
Product Brand Type