
Precasting concrete is an alternative to cast in place concrete. Precasting structures allows for better quality control of the concrete often times produced indoors for optimal curing conditions. Precast assemblies in the field are very efficient often returning projects to service in less than half the time of cast in place. Precast structures however have to be built in segments due to weight and scope. A couple examples are concrete pipe and manhole riser sections. These jointed segments need to be treated with joint sealants and waterproofing wrap treatments. Our Line of Blackhawk Hawk-Seal joint sealant, Blackhawk 5401 Pipe Joint Mastic and Blackhawk Hawk-Wrap external joint wrap are essential components to create a watertight connection.

  • Hawk-Seal comprised of butyl rubber, demonstrates excellent ability to perform over a wide range of installation conditions as it exhibits minimal hardening or softening.
  • Blackhawk 5401 Pipe Joint Mastic is a versatile trowel grade material that can be used on a wide range of joint sizes making the need for different sized material unnecessary.
  • Blackhawk Hawk-Wrap is the same butyl rubber material laminated to a HDPE film to add puncture and tear resistance during back fill or joint deflection. Coatings both internally and externallyon precast structures are also often needed. On internal surfaces carrying sanitary waste our products such as Novocoat SC1100 Concrete Primer and Novocoat SP2000 protect the concrete surface from hydrogen sulfide gas and microbial induced corrosion (MIC). External coatings are often specified to add damp proofing to the surface. Our Blackhawk 5011 winter grade and Blackhawk 5012 summer grade products are a solvent based asphalt coating known for their ease of use, storage and application. Ertech offers 2110 as an asphalt emulsion damp proofing widely known for environmentally friendly low VOC’s.


Product Brand Type
Ertech 2100 Ertech Concrete / Concrete Protection / Corrosion Protection / Ertech / Oilfield / Precast / Waterproofing /
Ertech 2110 Ertech Water/Wastewater / Concrete Protection / Concrete Repair / Crack Bridging / Dampproofing and Waterproofing / Ertech / Lightweight Repair for Vertical and Overhead Surfaces / Penetrating Primer for Green and Damp Concrete / Precast / Spalled Concrete /
Ertech 2120 Ertech Water/Wastewater / Concrete Protection / Concrete Repair / Crack Bridging / Dampproofing and Waterproofing / Ertech / Lightweight Repair for Vertical and Overhead Surfaces / Penetrating Primer for Green and Damp Concrete / Precast / Spalled Concrete /
R-17-A-73 Asphalt Coating/Primer Blackhawk Aerosol / Asphalt / Barrier / Blackhawk / Coating / Corrosion Protection / Electrolysis / Primer / Undercoating /
Blackhawk Hawk-Seal Blackhawk Water/Wastewater / Blackhawk / Box Culverts / Burial Vaults / Concrete Pipe / Concrete Protection / Concrete Sealant / Electrical Vaults / Hawk-Seal / Manholes / Precast / Storm Shelters /
Blackhawk Hawk-Wrap Blackhawk Water/Wastewater / Blackhawk / Box Culverts / Burial Vaults / Concrete Pipe / Concrete Protection / Electrical Vaults / External Joint Wrap / Hawk-Wrap / Manholes / Precast / Storm Shelters /
Blackhawk Precast Release 50 Blackhawk Blackhawk / Form Release / Precast / Precast Release / Solvent-based Form Release /
Blackhawk 5011 Liquid Asphalt Coating Blackhawk Asphalt / Asphalt Coating / Base Cutbacks / Bituminous Coating / Blackhawk / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Coating / Concrete Protection / Dampproofing and Waterproofing / Liquid / Manhole Coating /
Blackhawk 5103 SP Asphalt Blackhawk Asphalt / Base Cutbacks / Blackhawk / Commercial Roofing / Concrete Primer / Modified Bitumen Components / Oxidized Cutback / Pavement Maintenance / Primers / Roof Restoration / Traffic Safety /
Blackhawk 5401 Pipe Joint Mastic Blackhawk Water/Wastewater / Blackhawk / Box Culverts / Concrete Protection / Joint Sealant / Pipe Joint Compound / Pipe Joint Mastic / Precast / Precast Sealant / Tongue and Groove Sealant /
Blackhawk 5700 Blackhawk Adhesives / Asphalt Modified Urethane / Blackhawk / Bridge and Highway / Dampproofing and Waterproofing / Expansion Joints / Insulation Adhesives / Insulation Protective Coating / Liquid Membrane / Monolithic Membrane / Two-component / Urethane Modified Asphalt /
Blackhawk R-17-A-73 Blackhawk Water/Wastewater / Blackhawk / Ductile Pipe / Fittings / OD/ID Coatings / Oilfield / Pipe / Pipe and Fittings / Pipeline /
Novocoat SC1100 Primer/Sealer Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Chemical Resistant Expansion Joint / Concrete Protection / Concrete Repair / Expansion Joints / Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical / Lightweight Repair for Vertical and Overhead Surfaces / Moisture Tolerant / Novocoat / Penetrating Primers for Green and Damp Concrete / Secondary Containment / Spalled Concrete / Tank Linings /
Novocoat SP2000W Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Water/Wastewater / Adhesives / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Flooring / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical Room / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Ductile Pipe / Fittings / Flooring / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / OD Coatings / OD/ID Coatings / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Oilfield / Pipe / Pipe and Fittings / Pipeline / Process Tanks / Tank Lining / Tanks /
ACROLINE™ Systems Corrosion Engineering Anchored Thermoplastic / CED / Concrete Protection Liner / Corrosion Engineering / Embedment Liner / Plastic Concrete Liner /
Ertech 7230 Ertech Water/Wastewater / Concrete Protection / Concrete Repair / Crack Bridging / Dampproofing and Waterproofing / Ertech / Lightweight Repair for Vertical and Overhead Surfaces / Penetrating Primer for Green and Damp Concrete / Precast / Spalled Concrete /
Ertech 7200 Ertech Water/Wastewater / Concrete Protection / Concrete Repair / Crack Bridging / Dampproofing and Waterproofing / Ertech / Lightweight Repair for Vertical and Overhead Surfaces / Penetrating Primer for Green and Damp Concrete / Precast / Spalled Concrete /
Product Brand Type