Modified Bitumen Components

Create ideal conditions for bonding surfaces, reduce the risk of blistering, withstand hurricane force winds

Cold process modified bitumen roof construction utilizes asphalt-based primers, adhesives and flashing cements to construct the details of roof systems. ErgonArmor’s cold-applied modified bitumen roof systems offer a tried and true approach with redundancies not found in other single ply roof covers.

Our product range includes:

  • Blackhawk 5103 and 5114, which are asphalt roof primers often used to prepare substrates to receive subsequent asphalt roof systems components such as hot asphalt, torch applications or cold process adhesives. 5103 is a thin penetrating consistency with greater than 350 g/l of VOCs. 5114 is also a thin penetrating primer but contains less than 350 g/l of VOCs.
  • Blackhawk 5136, which is a convenient asphalt aerosol product used for priming substrates.
  • Novotac primer, which is an acrylic-based chemistry that tackifies the substrates to produce an ideal surface for bonding self-adhering asphalt membranes and underlayment.
  • Novocoat SC1100, which is an excellent thin penetrating epoxy primer designed to suppress vapor drive through concrete. The use of this primer greatly reduces the risk of blistering of subsequent top coatings.
  • Blackhawk 5300 and 5500 series of cold adhesives, which are industry proven cold-applied adhesives. These products are proven to have a greater than 30-year track record of holding asphalt roofing membranes in place even in hurricane force winds.
  • Blackhawk 5400 and 5600, which are workhorse flashing cements to seal and protect the most demanding areas of the roof such as penetrations and curbs, as well as inside and outside corners. 5400 is an economical grade that can be used in any of the aforementioned situations including night seals in phased construction. 5600 offers higher performance slump resistance for demanding applications.
