Metal Treatment


Protect structural steel, withstand extreme environments, prevent corrosion

It can be easy to overlook the protection of structural steel that is not constantly immersed in corrosive liquids within a plant environment. But exposure to salt, humidity, acidic condensation or chemical splash can cause rapid deterioration making this a regrettable mistake. Rusting or failed coatings will start to reveal unsightly structures. ErgonArmor’s Novocoat products help prevent that from happening, and many of our Novocoat products perform well on marginally prepared surfaces.

Our product range includes:

  • Novocoat RI80, which can adhere to tight rust and provide outstanding edge wrap, setting it apart from most epoxy mastics on the market. Flexible, aluminum flake filled and 100% solids epoxy, this coating provides excellent edge retention and corrosion prevention on bolts, corners, and beam and column flanges.
  • Machinable, 100% solids, aggregate-filled epoxy repair pastes and putties, restore severely pitted surfaces on tanks, piping, heat exchangers and pump internals, preparing them for subsequent application of various lining systems.