

Extend service life, reduce downtime, enhance reliability

ErgonArmor’s extensive range of products used in mining applications provide long-term performance against the aggressive chemical and abrasion exposures found within the mining industry.

By analyzing the chemical exposures and types of physical abuse, we can design the right system to protect your equipment for extended runtime. Give ErgonArmor a call to discuss your requirements, and we will customize a solution to your specific application.

Our product range includes:

  • High-temperature, acid-resistant brick mortars for roasters, kilns, scrubbers, hot gas inlets, furnaces, dryers, boilers, incinerators, chlorinators, reactors and other chemical process equipment.
  • Polymer concretes and structural grouts.
  • Abrasion resistant tile adhesive.
  • Strong acid resistant Tufchem™ Silicate Concrete.
  • Novolite vertical/overhead repair mortar.
  • Novocoat™ abrasion-resistant metal repair putties.
  • Novocoat™ high-performance tank linings and coatings.
  • Acroline™ thermoplastic concrete protection liners, which provide seamless, abrasion-resistant and chemical-resistant trench and sump liners that can be incorporated into new construction or retrofit installations.
