Pipe and Leak Repair

Ease of application, long-term repair, low manpower requirements

Pipe and leak repair are critical for virtually any industry. When planned properly, repairs should require as little stress and manpower as possible. ErgonArmor has a wide array of solutions for girth weld repairs, pipe repairs and leak repairs that will help you get the job done quickly and effectively. It’s as simple as that.

Our product range includes:

  • Novocoat epoxy systems, which comply with ASME PCC-2, Article 4.1 as long-term repair.
  • Solutions for restoring integrity to pipes and tanks with active leaks, thin walls and pitted steel.



Product Brand Type
Novocoat EP3300 Paste/Caulk Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Caulk / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Paste / Paste/Caulk / Pipe and Leak Repair / Process Vessels and Towers / Pulp and Paper / Secondary Containment / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat EP3900 Machinable Paste Novocoat Chemical Process and Refinery / Concrete Protection / Machinable Grade / Metal Adhesives / Metal Repair Products / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Tanks /
Novocoat EP5700 Ceramic Paste Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Ceramic Paste / Concrete Adhesives / High Temp / Metal Adhesives / Novocoat / Paste / Pipe and Leak Repair / Pumps / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat EP3800 Ceramic Carbide FC Novocoat Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Fast Cure / Metal Repair Products / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Pumps / Repair / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat EP3800 Ceramic Carbide SC Novocoat Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Metal Repair Products / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Pumps / Repair / Slow Cure / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat SP2000AR Ceramic Coating Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Abrasion Resistant / Abrasion Resistant Overcoat / ARO / Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Coating / Concrete Protection / Metal Repair Products / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Process Tanks / Pulp and Paper / Pumps / Secondary Containment / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat EP4900 Ceramic Carbide Novocoat Cavitation and Abrasion Protection / Ceramic / Chemical Process and Refinery / Metal Repair Products / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Pumps / Repair / Slow Cure / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat SC3300 Novolac Epoxy Lining Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Chemical Process / Chemical Room / Novocoat / Petrochemical / Storage Tanks / Tank Chimes / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat SC5400 Lining Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Chemical Process / Chemical Room / Heat Exchangers / Novocoat / Petrochemical / Process Vessels / Storage Tanks / Tank Chimes / Tank Linings / Tanks / Tube Sheets /
Novocoat SC6300 Novocoat Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Linings / Novocoat / Process Vessels and Towers / Tank Linings /
Novocoat R1900 Quick Repair Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Active Leak / Adhesives / Chemical Process and Refinery / Concrete Adhesives / Metal Adhesives / Metal Repair Products / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Pipe and Leak Repair / Quick Repair Compound / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat SC3100 HT Lining Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Abrasion Resistant / ARO / Chemical Process / Chemical Room / Novocoat / Petrochemical / Storage Tanks / Tank Chimes / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat SC3900 Adhesive Paste/Caulk Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Caulk / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Paste / Paste/Caulk / Pipe and Leak Repair / Process Vessels and Towers / Pulp and Paper / Secondary Containment / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat SP2000WHB Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Water/Wastewater / Adhesives / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Flooring / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical Room / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Ductile Pipe / Fittings / Flooring / High Build / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / OD Coatings / OD/ID Coatings / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Oilfield / Pipe / Pipe and Fittings / Pipeline / Process Tanks / Tank Lining / Tanks /
Novocoat SP2000W Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Water/Wastewater / Adhesives / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Flooring / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical Room / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Ductile Pipe / Fittings / Flooring / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / OD Coatings / OD/ID Coatings / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Oilfield / Pipe / Pipe and Fittings / Pipeline / Process Tanks / Tank Lining / Tanks /
Novocoat SP2900 Paste Novocoat Active Leak / Adhesives / Caulk / Chemical Process and Refinery / Chemical Resistant Coatings / Chemical Resistant Linings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Coatings / Chemical/Abrasion Resistant Linings / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Metal Adhesives / Mining / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Oilfield / Paste / Paste/Caulk / Pipe and Leak Repair / Process Vessels and Towers / Pulp and Paper / Secondary Containment / Tank Lining / Tanks / Thin Wall Repair /
Novocoat EP2900 Flexible Paste Novocoat Adhesives / Chemical Resistant Expansion Joint / Concrete Adhesives / Concrete Protection / Expansion Joint / Flexible / Flexible Paste / Metal Repair Products / Novocoat / Offshore Drilling / Paste / Secondary Containment / Tank Chimes / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Novocoat SC3300-50 Novolac Epoxy Lining Novocoat Water/Wastewater / Chemical Process / Chemical Room / Novocoat / Petrochemical / Storage Tanks / Tank Chimes / Tank Linings / Tanks /
Product Brand Type