Concrete and Rebar Protection

Concrete repair has numerous challenges due to the wide variation of concrete types used in each type of application. In some cases, you may be dealing corroding rebar, sub-soil movement dynamics creating cracks versus shrinkage cracks that are commonly seen after new construction. Chemical erosion and attack creates another challenge to not only rehabilitate damaged areas but to provide solutions to protect these areas from future exposure. Expansion and control joints can also create service life issues depending on location in the country – such as a seismic zone or northern climates that see extremes of temperature. In all cases, concrete slabs within industrial environments will require repairs over the life of the plant. ErgonArmor’s crack bridging, vertical/overhead repair mortars and chemical resistant lining systems are designed to perform in some of the most aggressive chemical exposures. Incorporating specialized aggregate loadings to handle physical abuse and chemical exposures, our repair mortars and toppings are able to provide reliable and economical means to keep operations moving forward. Our Penntrowel Polymer Concretes, Tufchem Silicate Concrete, Novolite vertical/overhead repair mortar, and Novocoat RI80 Rust Inhibitor and flexible coatings round out our core product offering for concrete repair. Depending on chemical exposures or type of physical abuse we can design the right system to protect production floors and mezzanines within your facility. Give ErgonArmor a call to discuss your requirements so that we can customize the recommendation to your specific application.


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