

Extend service life, reduce downtime, prevent and repair leaks

ErgonArmor works with water and wastewater treatment, collection and distribution system owners and their construction, maintenance and repair service providers to design products that extend the life of these critical utilities while minimizing downtime and protecting the environment.

Our product range includes:

  • Zero VOC products to reduce installers’ exposure to respiratory hazards during product installation.
  • NSF-approved products suitable for potable water contact service.
  • Coatings, linings, adhesives, sealants and repair products to protect and restore concrete and steel structures in corrosive and abrasive service.
  • Sealants, dampproofing and waterproofing products for concrete manholes, lift stations, pipes and box conduits.
  • Corrosion-resistant linings for chemical storage tanks and secondary containment dikes.
  • Furalac™ Green Panel chemical-resistant brick mortar to restore aging acid brick and ceramic tile lined manholes.
  • Novocoat SG2000 Series manhole restoration linings resistant to hydrogen sulfide attack and microbial induced corrosion (MIC), offering high film build and quick return to service.
  • Machinable metal repair products and brushable ceramic coatings for pumps and pipe elbows in abrasive service.
  • Blackhawk Pipe Joint Mastic, a trowellable sealant for a range of joint widths in precast concrete assemblies.
  • Blackhawk Hawk-Seal joint sealant for precast concrete assemblies, designed to retain flexibility and adhesion in extreme cold and hot temperatures.
  • Blackhawk Hawk-Wrap joint wrap for precast concrete assemblies, providing the temperature tolerance of Blackhawk Hawk-Seal with extra puncture and tear resistance to handle joint deflection and backfill stresses.
  • Novocoat ER2010 Flexible Epoxy Paste/Caulk, Novocoat R1920 Quick Patch and Blackhawk Asphalt/Urethane liquid and paste grade mastics for leak and joint repairs.
  • Economical corrosion protection coatings and linings for ductile iron pipe and fittings in potable water distribution service.
